Miss Kaylaa Betts

Wesleigh White Memorial Scholar

Kaylaa Betts is a seventeen year old STEM fanatic, who continues to grow and share her passion with others through her small business, volunteering and leading projects on her robotics team. When Kaylaa was in kindergarten she excitedly observed the metamorphosis of the butterflies in her garden, and has since continued to grow in STEM. Throughout the years she has programmed robots, began a STEM focussed small business and studied biology at leading universities.

Kaylaa is a Walnut Hills High School student. She has taken 23 accelerated courses, In 2020 Kaylaa began her small business, Keeping All Youth Looking at Achievement (or KAYL@A), that offers science kits, teacher resources, and math and science tutoring services for pre-K to first level college courses.

I am honored to present this year’s Wesleigh White Memorial Scholarship to Miss Kaylaa Betts.