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Dr. Cheryll Dunn

Lifetime Achievement in STEM

Dr. Dunn is a Cincinnati native who received her Associate, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate degrees from the University of Cincinnati.

She has been involved with the education of others from her days of teaching Art at the Avondale Community Center which led to teaching Chemical Technology at the College of Applied Science, UC. While at CAS she received many grants from the National Science Foundation, the state and city to train and encourage individuals to obtain skills or degrees in engineering or technology

For her work she has received many awards from the Award of Excellence from UC, the Margaret Core Tangeman Award for Human Dignity, the Tower of Strength award from UC Alumni Assoc. and TWO NAACP awards, Empowering Education and Innovative Educator.

Her greatest joy has been her work with young people. Showing what is possible and attainable – and that the power to do so rests in their hands and minds. She wants them to excel both inside and outside the classroom. I want them to excel in life and understand the importance of giving back.

The best compliment she received from a student was, “I learned in spite of myself.”