2021 STEMmys Nominations are Open!!!


Applied Scientist of the Year

This award will be presented to a highly experienced applied scientist who has made significant discoveries, made important advances in mathematics or science and is acknowledged as a leader of large STEM initiatives.

2020 Honoree:: Mr. Jeese Hipps, Sr.

Nominate an Applied Scientist

Community Advocate of the Year

This award will be presented to someone who is not currently working in a traditional STEM environment but who, nonetheless, has made contributions to the overall advancement of STEM within the community. 

2020 Honoree: Rev. Dr. Jonathan Brown

Nominate a Community Advocate

Community Organization of the Year

This award will be presented to an organization that has demonstrated leadership in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) communities through their work and contributions.

2020 Honoree:: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter

Nominate a Community Organization

Corporation of the Year

This award will be presented to an innovator in the delivery of benefits to under-represented communities through corporate largess. The corporation makes major commitments to provide technology tools and educational services for minority youth and adults and to put budgetary backbone into community development efforts.

Messer Construction Co.

Nominate a Corporation

Educator of the Year (K-6)

This award will be presented to a K-6 educator who has demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving superior engineering, scientific and technical education programs.

2020 Honoree: Mr. Gregory Cannon

Nominate an Educator (K-6)

Educator of the Year (7-12)

This award will be presented to a 7-12 educator who has demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving superior engineering, scientific and technical education programs.

2020 Honoree: Mrs. Caroline Robb

Nominate an Educator (7-12)

Engineer of the Year

This award will be presented to a highly experienced engineer who has made significant discoveries, made important advances in engineering and is acknowledged as a leader of large engineering initiatives.

2020 Honoree: Mrs. Lisa Rowell

Nominate an Engineer

Entrepreneur of the Year

This award will be presented to an individual who owns 50 percent or more of a thriving, minority-owned scientific, engineering, or technical company, or a significant percentage of a majority firm, with strong financial growth.

2020 Honoree: Mr. John Moore

Nominate an Entrepreneur

Faculty Member of the Year

This award will be presented to a collegiate faculty member who has demonstrated a strong commitment to preserving superior engineering, scientific and technical education programs.

2020 Honoree: Dr. Mary Stroud

Nominate a Faculty Member

Graduate Student of the Year

This award will be presented to a graduate student in a STEM-related program who demonstrates tremendous potential for future technical contributions.

2020 Honoree: Ms. Camille Sullivan

Nominate a Graduate Student

Healthcare Professional of the Year

This award will be presented to a highly experienced healthcare professional who has made significant discoveries, made important advances in engineering and is acknowledged as a leader of large health care initiatives.

2020 Honoree: Ms. Felicia Beckham

Nominate a Healthcare Professional

Rising Star of the Year

This award will be presented to a STEM professional, in the early years of his or her career, who demonstrates tremendous potential for future technical contributions.

2020 Honoree: Mr. Jimmy Stringer

Nominate a Rising Star

Technologist of the Year

This award will be presented to a highly experienced computer scientist or information technologist who has made advances in industry and who has made significant technical contributions to the community.  

2020 Honoree: Mr. Darold Fletcher

Nominate a Technologist

Lifetime Achievement in STEM

This award will be presented to a STEM professional who, during their lifetimes, has made significant contributions of outstanding significance to the STEM fields. The committee will look at the body of work produced by the nominee and its impact on society as well as their community impact on the region as a role model for others.

2020 Honoree: Dr. Alvin Crawford

Nominate a Lifetime Achiever in STEM

Wesleigh White Memorial Scholar

This award is presented to an African-American student who is completing  high school in Spring, 2022 and planning to pursue a career in STEM.  

2020 Honoree: Miss Cari’a Thacker

Nominate a Scholar